Lesson 7

Weth (ܒ̣), Veth (ܒ̰), Ghamal (ܓ̣), Jamal (ܓ̰), Dhalath (ܖ݀)

Weth (w)
A modification of the consonant Beth (ܒ), weth is written by placing a dot beneath the letter Beth. Weth is pronounced identically to the English "w," such as in the word "boot." The letter also makes the same sound as the letter waw (ܘ), such as in the word ܘܲܪܕܵܐ (flower). Like beth, weth continues the writing line to the next letter.
Veth (v)
A modification of the consonant Beth (ܒ), veth is written by placing a tilde beneath the letter beth. The letter is not found in native Chaldean words, and is rather a borrowed sound used to write words/names from other languages. Veth is pronounced identically to the English "v," such as in the word "very." Like beth, veth continues the writing line to the next letter.
Ghamal (gh)
A modification of the consonant gamal (ܓ), ghamal is written by placing a dot beneath the letter gamal. Ghamal is pronounced as a fricative in the throat, similar to a light "gurgling" sound. Like gamal, ghamal continues the writing line to the next letter.
Jamal (j)
A modification of the consonant gamal (ܓ), jamal is written by placing a tilde beneath the letter gamal. Jamal is pronounced identically to the English "j," such as in the word "jelly." Like gamal, jamal continues the writing line to the next letter.
Dhalath (dh)
A modification of the consonant dalath (ܕ), dhalath is written by replacing the line in the letter dalath with two dots. Dhalath is pronounced like the "th" sound in the word "the." Like dalath, dhalath does not continue the writing line to the next letter.


A. Read the following aloud to practice the sounds of consonants and vowels, check the English transliteration at the bottom of the page for the answers.

ܐ. ܒ̣، ܒ̣، ܒ̣، ܒ̣ܵ، ܒ̣ܵ، ܒ̣ܵ، ܒ̣ܲ، ܒ̣ܲ، ܒ̣ܲ

ܒ. ܒ̰، ܒ̰، ܒ̰، ܒ̰ܸ، ܒ̰ܸ، ܒ̰ܸ، ܒ̰ܹ، ܒ̰ܹ، ܒ̰ܹ

ܓ. ܓ̣، ܓ̣، ܓ̣، ܓ̣ܘܿ، ܓ̣ܘܿ، ܓ̣ܘܿ، ܓ̣ܘܼ، ܓ̣ܘܼ، ܓ̣ܘܼ

ܕ. ܓ̰، ܓ̰، ܓ̰، ܓ̰ܝܼ، ܓ̰ܝܼ، ܓ̰ܝܼ، ܓ̰ܸ، ܓ̰ܸ، ܓ̰ܸ

ܗ. ܖ݀، ܖ݀، ܖ݀، ܖ݀ܵ، ܖ݀ܵ، ܖ݀ܵ، ܖ݀ܘܿ، ܖ݀ܘܿ، ܖ݀ܘܿ

B. Read the following aloud to practice reading real words in Chaldean, check the English transliteration at the bottom of
the page for the answers.

ܐ. ܢܩܝܼ ܖ݀ܵܐ: ܢܩܝܼܖ݀ܵܐ

ܒ. ܦܲܓ̣ ܪܵܐ: ܦܲܓ̣ܪܵܐ

ܓ. ܨܠܝܼ ܒ̣ܵܐ: ܨܠܝܼܒ̣ܵܐ

ܕ. ܓ̰ܘܲܢـ ܩܵܐ: ܓ̰ܘܲܢܩܵܐ

ܗ. ܡܵܪܬ ܒ̰ܹ ܪܵ ܢܝܼ ܟܵܐ: ܡܵܪܬ ܒ̰ܹܪܵܢܝܼܟܵܐ



  1. w, w, w, wa, wa, wa, wa, wa, wa
  2. v,v, v, vi, vi, vi, ve, ve, ve
  3. gh, gh, gh, gho, gho, gho, ghoo, ghoo, ghoo
  4. j, j, j, jee, jee, jee, ji, ji, ji
  5. dh, dh, dh, dha, dha, dha, dho, dho, dho


  1. nqee dha: nqeedha (thin)
  2. pagh ra: paghra (body)
  3. slee wa: sleewa (cross)
  4. jwan qa: jwanqa (young man)
  5. mart ve ro nee ka: Mart Veronika (Saint Veronika)